Aquatics Blog

LISP Publication

I recently submitted a nice LISP routine to Cadalyst that I felt was worth sharing with others that may share the same disgust as I did in having to manually go into your settings and change things over and over again just to make a quick WMF file.  Whether you create WMF files on a regular basis or very seldom, this is a good LISP routine that will eliminate the need of memorizing steps to setup a drawing to be converted to a WMF and help in speeding up repetitive work in your already chaotic day that we like to call “work”.

For all AutoCAD users, this routine creates a WMF file from model space in AutoCAD quickly and efficiently.  WMF files are generally better files to be used in word documents or presentations, and can be inserted into AutoCAD as vector entities.  This routine automatically switches between a black background and white background, changes all layers to the color black, prompts you to input a file name, and then saves the file to the location of your choice.  Once the LISP is completed, it reverts everything back to its original state before the routine was executed.  It is also equipped with a quick way to cancel out of this routine at any time during the WMF creation process by simply pressing the ‘ESC’ key.

For those who are interested in trying this LISP yourself, it has been published in a February 2013 issue of Cadalyst CAD Tips that can be found at  Enjoy!

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