Black Mountain Ranch is a luxury style campground located in the beautiful wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. Black Mountain Ranch boasts a 9-hole golf course, an indoor and outdoor pool, horseback riding, tennis courts, a gym, library, hiking trails, a volleyball court, and horse shoe pits.
Black Mountain Ranch commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide a swimming pool audit in May of 2019. Black Mountain Ranch operates two pools: an outdoor pool that is used for recreation seasonally (with attached wading pool) and a 50-year old indoor pool that is utilized for fitness year-round.
The purpose of the swimming pool audit was to identify items that were substandard in the pools, items that did not satisfy the current administrative code, items not to current industry swimming pool design standards, or equipment not operating as designed in order to assist in defining a course of action regarding the future of the pools. In addition, an opinion of probable construction cost was provided for the recommended repairs.