Aquatics Blog

Bench Strength

Counsilman – Hunsaker continues to expand its ownership structure to support the future of the aquatic industry. 

Since our beginning in 1970, the Counsilman - Hunsaker team has combined the art of innovation and the science of swimming to create the best aquatics centers in the world.  To build on this strong foundation, in the late 1990’s we created a leadership structure that re-invests in the future of the firm and industry.  Unlike many aquatic design firms with a single leader, Counsilman – Hunsaker has created a studio team approach in leading the company, harnessing the collective knowledge of the members in producing the best deliverables in the industry, and empowering all team members to own their project solutions and influence the firm’s decision making.  This modern and adaptive leadership structure has attracted the best of the industry including world record holders and leaders from some of our competitors.

In the mid 2000’s the firm had 11 shareholders with 3 classified as major shareholders.  Building on this foundation of success, the firm has recently increased the number of major shareholders.  These include Doug Cookand Scott Hesteras existing major shareholders with the addition of Carl Nylander, Kevin Post, Jeff Nodorft, and Darren Bevard.  Each of these individuals is a leader in the field and is the future of our firm for many years to come. 


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