Aquatics Blog

Facility Design & Construction Module MAHC

The Facility Design & Construction module for the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) has just been posted by the CDC today, July 20, 2012 for public comment. This module will likely have the greatest impact for the design, regulatory and construction community and not as much for operators as other modules. The deadline for public comments is October 14, 2012. Counsilman-Hunsaker strongly encourages everyone in the aquatic community to review and participate in this process.

If you are a frequent reader of Hydrologicblog, you will have seen the responses that have been compiled by Counsilman - Hunsaker and submitted as a friend of the industry through the public comment process.  If you would like to read these responses, please visit the regulation section of the blog.  We would be very interested in your comments on this section to be included in our response.

MAHC Facility Design & Construction Module Abstract

The sound design and construction of swimming pools, spas, and aquatic venues are paramount to ensuring safety of patrons who use these facilities. The Facility Design & Construction Module contains requirements for new pool construction that includes:

1) Design/construction aspects of the pool shell that include general shape, design, and slope requirements;

2) Design/construction aspects of the aquatic venue that include decks, lighting, electrical, wastewater, and fencing;

3) Design/construction aspects of specialty bodies of water and features that include spas, wave pools, slide pools, wading pools, and infinity edges; and

4) Design/construction parameters for pool equipment and under what conditions its use is acceptable including starting blocks, moveable floors, bulkheads, and diving boards.

In addition to the Facility Design & Construction module, an annex section is provides support information to assist users in understanding the background of the provisions.

The Model Aquatic Health Code Steering Committee and Technical Committees appreciate your willingness to comment on the draft MAHC modules. Click here to download comment form.

All public comments will filter back to the Technical Committee for review before the module is officially released.

MAHC Background

The Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) effort began in February 2005. The first industry standard was issued in 1958. In the subsequent 50 years, there have been at least 50 different state codes and many independent county codes. What was required in one jurisdiction may be illegal in another. It is clear that this historic approach is not working. Thus, the National Swimming Pool Foundation took a leadership position and provided funding to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for the creation of the MAHC. The MAHC is intended to transform the patch work of industry codes into a data-driven, knowledge-based, risk reduction effort to prevent disease, injuries and promote healthy water experiences. To view the latest updates regarding the Model Aquatic Health Code go to

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