Aquatics Blog

Keeping Records

One of the most important, yet tedious, responsibilities of a pool operator or manager is maintaining proper records. Accurate records are essential to reducing costs, increasing safety, and reducing facility liability. It is imperative for pool operators and facility managers to know what records to keep and how long to keep them. Follow these guidelines as outlined in the National Swimming Pool Foundation’s Pool and Spa Operator Handbook:

What Records Should be Kept?

  • Supervisors’ Reports
  • Incident Reports
  • Staff Records
  • Maintenance Records
  • Training Reports
  • Water Chemistry Logs
  • User Load Logs
  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly Inspection Records


The following forms can help managers understand how the facility operates and where wasteful spending can be reduced: NSPF Pool & Spa Operator Handbook

  • Daily Opening & Closing Checklists
  • Daily Pool Chemical Log
  • Daily Locker Room Maintenance Checklist
  • Aquatic Incident Report
  • Seasonal Opening Checklist
  • Seasonal Closing Checklist
  • Preventative Maintenance Checklist
  • Pool/Spa Inspection Checklist


Daily Operations Records

The most necessary records to a facility are those kept daily. When recording information, remember to include the date and time that checks are completed. Most codes allow custom daily checklists, as long as they include the minimum requirements including:

  • Free Chlorine or Total Bromine
  • Combined Chlorine
  • Total Chlorine
  • pH
  • Safety Equipment is in place and functional
  • Suction Drain covers are in place and undamaged
  • Flow Meter Reading
  • Filter Pressure Differential or Pump Vacuum
  • Number of Users (daily)
  • Water Temperature
  • Air Temperature
  • Water Clarity
  • Filter Backwashing
  • Chemicals Added
  • Injury Reports
  • Skimmer and hair/lint baskets cleaned
  • Deck waste containers emptied

* Local codes and regulations will determine exactly what the daily operations report should include.


Opening and Closing Checklist

Before the facility opens, any unsafe conditions or damaged equipment should be corrected. If it cannot be fixed or made safe by opening time, guests should not be allowed access to the affected area. Signs, ropes or barriers may be necessary to prevent the use of damaged equipment or unsafe areas. When closing the facility, it’s important to ensure all equipment is in place, that no patrons remain and the facility is secured.

Other Important Records Include:

  • Routine Maintenance Records:
  • Manufacturer’s Equipment Manuals
  • Preventative Maintenance Schedules
  • Training Schedules
  • Hazard Communication Reports
  • Proficiency Reports
  • Emergency Response Plans

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