Aquatics Blog

National Swimming Pool Foundation Headquarters & Operations

As most of you know, Colorado Springs experienced the huge Waldo Canyon Fire this past week. The NSPF Headquarters and all systems have been shifted to an alternate location so we can continue to effectively serve you. We are so thankful for all the firefighters who have chosen to leave their homes to try and save our homes. The NSPF Headquarters is ok, but remains in a mandatory evacuation zone since it is in the Mountain Shadows neighborhood that lost hundreds of homes. Also, two of our team members remain in an evacuation zone. It is not clear how long it will be before we get to move back to our Headquarters.

To make sure we effectively serve you, please take the following steps:

  1. Check all orders placed since Friday, June 22nd. If you have not received a verification of any order, please call us on Monday, July 2, so we can verify that we processed your order. Our phone number remains the same at 719-540-9119.
  2. Please do not place orders via fax until we move back to our Headquarters. We have a glitch and fear that we will not receive fax orders. Please call us or place your order online.
  3. As we transitioned our email system, there is a slight risk that an email was lost. Our email is working fine now so if you wish to resend any email sent last week, we would appreciate it. We will verify with you if orders were processed.

Thank you for the trust you place in us and in NSPF materials. We hope our response to this disaster did not negatively impact you in any way. But, to be safe, let's double check and make sure you are getting what you need from us.

Most Respectfully,



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