Aquatics Blog

Pool Covers: Helping You Prepare for Energy Savings

Winter is fast approaching and as daily temperatures decrease, heating costs increase.  Whether you have an indoor aquatic facility or a year-round outdoor swimming pool, thoughtful consideration should be given to installing thermal pool covers on your swimming pool during non-operational hours.  Pool covers save money and reduce energy use. a They accomplish this by conserving heat, reducing evaporative water loss, and reducing chemical losses.

Contrary to popular belief, pool covers stop evaporation but they only insulate to a small degree.  Insulation contributes from one to ten percent of the energy savings for pools (and possibly up to twenty percent of the energy savings for spas).  Evaporation retardation is overwhelmingly the larger contributor.

A common misconception is that pool IMGP1971covers do not provide a benefit for indoor facilities.  Although the indoor air temperature is typically +/- 2 Degrees F of the water temperature, evaporation still occurs in indoor swimming pools.  Every drop of chemically treated and heated pool water that evaporates must be replaced with domestic fresh water at an incoming temperature significantly less than pool water temperature.  The cost to chemically treat and heat the fill water to pool water temperature is substantial.

Calculate your own savings today at the following link:

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