TMP Architects authorized by the Ann Arbor Public School, commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide an assessment of the five (5) middle school indoor pools across...
Dexter High School and Wylie Elementary School (Audit and Design)
By Linda Duerst on March 6, 2020
Counsilman-Hunsaker was commissioned by TMP and Dexter Public Schools to provide a swimming pool audit for the existing competition pool at Dexter High School...
University of Michigan – Football Performance Center
By Counsilman-Hunsaker on September 17, 2019
In May 2019, the University of Michigan celebrated the grand opening of their new $14.8 million Football Performance Center located inside Schembechler Hall. The...
Michigan State University commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide a facility assessment of three facilities: IM West, IM Circle, and Jenison pools followed the subsequent design...