Yoakum County commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide a swimming pool audit for the over 70- year-old Yoakum County Pool in Denver City, TX. The purpose...
The City of Bryan commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide a swimming pool audit for the Sue Haswell Pool, a 60-year old outdoor swimming pool. The...
Counsilman-Hunsaker provided a swimming pool audit in January 2017 on the Fidalgo Pool. The T-shaped six lane, 25-yard by six lane, 25 meter competition...
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill – Bowman Gray Memorial and Kessing Pools (Audit)
By Counsilman-Hunsaker on February 7, 2018
In 2016, HOK Architects commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide a swimming pool audit for the Bowman Gray Memorial Pool and the Kessing Outdoor Pool. The...