Counsilman-Hunsaker was engaged to audit the Bakersfield Campus, focusing on the location and condition of the pool mechanical room and its equipment. The Kern Community College District (KCCD) campus features two outdoor heated pools: a 50-meter by 25-yard Olympic-sized pool added in 2001 and a 10-lane warmup pool (60 ft x 25 yards) originally built in 1954 and later renovated. Due to significant structural and foundational concerns with the original pool bathhouse buildings - one of which houses the basement mechanical room -, the district requested an evaluation to determine whether the existing equipment should remain in the basement or be relocated to a new pool equipment building.
Following the audit and collaborative discussions with the district and design team, it was decided to demolish the aging bathhouse buildings and construct a new facility to house the pool mechanical systems. This dedicated mechanical space will consolidate operations into a single, accessible location, providing expanded storage, streamlined maintenance, and improved facility longevity. While some existing equipment will be retained and reinstalled, upgrades will include energy-efficient components and a transition to dry-feed chemical systems. The design team has since developed a concept for the new pool mechanical building, which is now in Phase 1 and scheduled for completion in 2025.