In the aftermath of the devastating 2010 Pacific, Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) gas pipeline explosion which destroyed 38 homes, damaged over 70 and killed 8 people in San Bruno’s Crestmoor neighborhood, the City negotiated a restitution settlement with PG&E in the total amount of $70 million. The City Council determined that the funds should be used for the longterm, enduring benefit of the entire San Bruno community. In 2013, the City established the independent not-for-profit San Bruno Community Foundation (SBCF) to manage the restitution settlement funds and to oversee use of the funds.
In 2015, SBCF sponsored a broad-based Community Listening Campaign to identify the community’s priorities for use of the restitution settlement funds. The Community Listening Campaign identified the community’s highest priorities to be the replacement and/or addition of new community facilities to support delivery and expansion of community programs and services.
In 2018 Counsilman-Hunsaker and Group 4 Architecture, Research+Planning, Inc. were retained to conduct a study which included specific cost estimates for development of the Recreation Center and Aquatics Center with a project within the $50 million budget. The report identified the strategic conceptual design, operational analysis premises, revenue and expense analysis, and facility expense budgets, and a public outreach process. Pleased with the results from the study, the consultant team was retained to design the new San Bruno Recreation and Aquatic Center which will include a 3,400 sq. ft. outdoor lap pool and a 3,000 sq. ft. indoor leisure pool.