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When the economy is healthy, there are plenty of opportunities to generate new revenue streams that help carry subsidized programs. When the economy is not so healthy, budgets are slashed in order to protect revenue generating programs. Recreation professionals are left with the decision of limiting programs, cutting hours, or even forgoing equipment improvements and […]

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Starting Blocks

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Having appropriately designed starting blocks is a critical aspect of a great competitive facility. There are a few key points that need to be considered when incorporating starting blocks into a design of a competitive swimming facility. These points include: water depth, block height, and block features. Water Depth To get started, it is always […]

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Revenue Throttles

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One of the keys to long term success and sustainability is the use of Revenue Throttles. Revenue Throttles put pricing control in the field to maximize revenues while managing your communities’ expectations. There are three main areas I look at for developing revenue throttles, they include: Use Resident and Non-resident pricing Discounts Wait Lists Resident […]

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The recirculation of an aquatic system serves to continuously deliver chemically treated and filtered water, at specified temperatures and flow rates, to provide a clean, safe, and enjoyable environment for patrons. Recirculation systems are in almost all cases running 24/7 to meet a specified turnover rate, the allotted time for the recirculation system to process […]

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Questionnaires that truly inform

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The summer is rolling along, guests are flocking to your facility and you see the light at the end of a successful summer up ahead. You begin the process of evaluating your seasonal numbers, staff performance, and your personal feelings on your operational successes, but a critical stakeholder is missing: your customers. The age-old mantra […]

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QC – An ongoing commitment to quality

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The modern world in which we live changes rapidly. The processes of years past – the time-tested, proven processes which have been serving your organization for decades – may not be the best processes for the future. These same processes, however, can also be difficult to change. The best thing your organization can do to […]

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Point-of-Sale Systems- Where Do I Begin?

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Running a safe, customer-focused program is at the center of an Aquatic Operator’s job description, but what about the business-side of our jobs? Having the tools in place to retrieve financial information, analyze your return on investment for your killer marketing plan, and compare to previous summers’ results can be a game changer for your […]

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With all the different types of piping options available on the market today, it can be difficult to know what type of pipe will appropriately suit your pool’s needs. Choosing swimming pool piping can be tricky because different applications require different types of pipe. Often times, swimming pool piping is chosen on a case by […]

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The decision to outsource your organization’s aquatic operation is not one to be taken lightly. And, in the new climate of break-even cost recovery and sustainability being the expected norm for aquatics operations, you should know the three primary reasons that parks and recreation departments are exploring the possibility of outsourcing. Financial For some departments, […]

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Opinion of Probable Construction Cost

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I receive phone calls and emails just about every day from universities, municipal planning committees, swimming coaches, and architects asking for “ballpark” construction costs for a proposed swimming pool. While there are literally thousands of items that would need to be researched and priced to develop a true construction cost estimate, there are just a […]

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