Aquatics Blog

The Pool and Spa Industry can Shine by “Making it Magical!”

About 15 years ago, I had the pleasure of attending the Disney Institute at Walt Disney World in Florida with hundreds of professional pool retailers and service companies. I’m not sure one thing they taught is still true, but I think it is. I'll find out for sure when I follow up with a neighbor who will work at Disney for the fall semester.

It was my understanding that every job description (EVERY JOB DESCRIPTION!) started with two responsibilities at Disney:

1) Make the experience magical

2) Pick up trash Then

3) was something like "enter accounts receivables in the general ledger.... Or, perform water tests for customers…. Or, clean and treat pools…Or, whatever we all normally think of as the "job description."

Yes, make it magical and pick up trash. It is a pretty simple idea. It is not always easy to "create magic" since we are not used to thinking from the customer's perspective and acting on it. Based on this experience, every NSPF job description starts with the "make it magical" requirement. I am not saying we are as good as we should be. We have room to improve. Yet, just imagine if we implemented this philosophy and made it part of our day-to-day practice with every business in our field? Our businesses would be better off and so would the industry as a whole.

What are you doing to make it “magical” for your customers?

The above was posted on the NSPF blog by Tom Lachocki

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