Aquatics Blog

Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) Review

Many people have been asking:

What is the current status of the MAHC and what is the best web site address to hit to see the current status of the modules for comments?

Here's a link to the CDC's webpage so you can check the status on each module.

Here's a list of what we know has happened so far

Disinfection Water Quality:        Second Post after public comment 1/24/14

Regulatory Module:                      Second Post after public comment 1/24/14

Facility and Design:                      Second Post after public comment 12/16/13

Risk Management                         Second Post after public comment 7/23/13

Facility Maintenance                    Second Post after public comment 7/2/13

Monitor and Testing                     Second Post after public comment 6/05/13

Contamination Burden                Second Post after public comment 6/05/13

Fecal Contamination                    Second Post after public comment 5/30/13

Operator Training                         Second Post after public comment 04/08/11

Preface                                             Second Post after public comment 11/10/11

Recirculation/Filter System        First Post 7/02/13  They have not posted public comment or reposted after update.

Ventilation                                      First Post 4/13/11  They have not posted public comment or reposted after update.


Don't forget to get your comments in!

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