Constructed in 1970, the Wheeling YMCA pool is currently utilized for many programs such as learn-to-swim, fitness classes, social events, and competitive swimming practice. The YMCA staff and board members identified several deficiencies and desires for the facility and commissioned Mills Group and Counsilman-Hunsaker in 2019 to confirm the deficiencies and identify priorities plus any other deficiencies that should be addressed.
Counsilman-Hunsaker conducted a swimming pool assessment of the six lane, 25-yard pool and spa at the Wheeling YMCA – including an evaluation of the respective mechanical systems – and provided an opinion of probable cost for the items identified.
With the pool approaching 50 years of age, the assessment concluded that the equipment was not operating as designed and should be replaced. The piping system had significant issues, the original cast iron piping was faulty with significant leaks present in the piping, several valves had significant damage from corrosion, and heavy corrosion was present on the pool walls where water had infiltrated past the pipe penetrations for wall inlets.
These items, as well as others that identified that needed repair, replacement, or renovation, were detailed in the report and itemized in the cost estimate. The estimate prioritized Counsilman-Hunsaker’s opinion of repairs into primary and secondary needs or items, primary needs being the highest priority. Counsilman-Hunsaker is of the opinion that all the recommended repairs, replacements, or renovations be considered and implemented.