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Immersion In Shoulder Deep Water Results In Cardiovascular And Respiratory Exercise Similar To A Gym Workout.

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Hydrostatic pressure from immersion in water forces more blood to the central organs, increasing cardiac stroke volume and cardiac output, which is a similar effect caused by exercise. In addition, immersion also impacts liver and hormone production (endocrine system) and respirator exercise to breathe against the pressure imparted by the water. As with any exercise, […]

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Get the facts to keep your pool and hot tub safe this swimming season.

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It’s  not just about cloudy water. Ten years ago the term Recreational Water Illness (RWI)  was not even a commonly used term. Based on great pool and spa industry  awareness efforts led by the CDC, when you Google the phrase RWI or Recreational Water Illness, you find 785k results. A lot has  happened in the […]

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Are we guilty of being a “know it all”?

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Presumably everyone has picked up a copy of the Aquatics International Dream Facility in which our 2006-concept design was featured, along with that of our competitors.  If you have studied all the designs and read all of the articles, you are an exception to human nature. The inclination is to read only the submittal of […]

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ADA Pool Megeddon??

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The DOJ has announced a postponement of the ADA compliance date for swimming pools and spas with a new effective date of January 31, 2013.  As first reported on hydrologicblog  “Pool-Megeddon” and “Reasonable Pool Requirements” the ADA mandates were a surprise.   The new date does not seem to change the more stringent interpretations (some may […]

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Where’s The Leak?

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Where’s The Leak? Last week I received a phone call from a client with a 3 year old pool.  They had cleaned the pool for spring and filled it up.  The next morning they come in and found the water down over a foot.  The first areas of suspicion where the underwater lights and the […]

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Editorial Comment:    In 2008, Don Burns retired as the CEO from California Spa and Pool Industry Education Council.  Joe and Don had served on the NSPF Board of Directors together for over 15 years.  Joe sent the following note to Don on his retirement. Hi Don, I recently saw on CNN where you are retiring […]

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Healthy Body Seminars Reveal Why Pools and Hot tubs are good for your health and your family

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If you read the papers (or Internet), you would think the aquatics field is all about death and pain. The exception is during an Olympic year when we witness some amazing athletes in bathing suits. I have the privilege and blessing to speak to groups around the world. Most people in the pool and spa […]

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Almost Half Of Americans Are Afraid Of The Deep End Of A Pool.

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Two-thirds of Americans are afraid of deep water in lakes, rivers, and oceans A study performed by Gallup (n-815) and presented at the 2008 World Aquatic Health Conference (Melon Dash) indicates that 64% of Americans are afraid in the deep, open water (lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.)  Forty-six percent are afraid in deep water in pools.  Even […]

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An Observation of Ernie Vornbrock

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My recollection of Coach Vornbrock is during a swim meet in the 1950’s when he is walking along the pool deck, carrying a stop watch, wearing the obligatory white shirt, white trousers and white tennis shoes. Ernie, who was in his 50’s, was a tall lanky man who wore wire rimmed glasses on his angular […]

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Swimming Pool Code Changes Picking Up Speed

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During the last 90 days there have been a number of proposed changes to swimming pool health codes across the United States.  State codes include Florida, Kentucky, Illinois, and California.  This in addition to the national impacts from the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, Model Aquatic Health Code and the new rule making impact […]

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