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Borough of Manhattan Community College – Natatorium Renovation


October 2013, Counsilman-Hunsaker was commissioned by MP Engineers and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) to provide a swimming pool audit for the indoor competition pool at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. The audit evaluated the existing 30-year-old pool along with its mechanical and chemical treatment systems. The report provided […]

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Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Natatoriums


The Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District is the largest school district in the state of Texas – consisting of 117 campuses. In 2014, voters approved a $1.2 billion bond geared toward safety and security enhancements at all campuses. Some of the improvements included transportation, new facilities to accommodate student growth, technology upgrades to district infrastructure and […]

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Dulles South Recreation and Community Center


Established in 2015, Dulles South Recreation and Community Center is one of the largest community halls in South Riding, VA. The center was completed in three phases. Phase I of the project, completed in 2008, includes classrooms, meeting rooms, multi-purpose and activity rooms, an indoor recreation area, restrooms, a catering kitchen, and offices. Phase II […]

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University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill – Bowman Gray Memorial and Kessing Pools (Audit)


In 2016, HOK Architects commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide a swimming pool audit for the Bowman Gray Memorial Pool and the Kessing Outdoor Pool. The audit assisted in defining a course of action regarding the future of aquatic offerings with an opinion of probable construction costs for the recommended repairs. Research included consulting the North Carolina […]

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Kansas State University – Ahern Pool (Master Plan)


After a current-condition overview of the existing Ahern Pool was performed, Counsilman-Hunsaker provided recommendations to update the 1975 aquatic center, including benchmark facilities and a new programming of spaces.  

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McDaniel College – Harlow Pool (Study)


The Counsilman-Hunsaker staff conducted a presentation to the school representatives describing three different scenarios for an eight lane 25-yard competition pool and a teaching pool. Along with each option, cost estimates and an expense analysis were provided.

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Carnegie Mellon University – James L. Cohon University Center Aquatics Center (Audit)


H.F. Lenz Company, authorized by Carnegie Mellon University, commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide an audit of the James L. Cohon University Center Aquatics Center to specifically look in depth at the chemical delivery systems and the indoor air quality issues that the facility has been experiencing. The site visit evaluated the existing 25-yard pool and diving […]

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Mississippi State University Pool (Audit)


The purpose of the Mississippi State University pool audit was to analyze the physical plant from top to bottom with a major focus on the various systems and structures. Needed repairs were identified with a summary report on what changes would bring the overall system into code industry standards, along with an opinion of probable […]

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Westminster School – Turner Gym Pool (Audit)


Westminster School commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide a swimming pool audit for the Turner Gym Pool facility. Field notes, meeting minutes, and photographs were utilized to prepare assessments, preliminary recommendations, and opinions to complete the scope of services outlined in the agreement between Westminster School and Counsilman-Hunsaker. The audit reviewed the indoor pool systems for deficiencies […]

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University of Nebraska – Lincoln – Devany Center Natatorium (Audit)


The University of Nebraska Lincoln commissioned Counsilman-Hunsaker to provide an audit of the Devany Center Natatorium. The Devany Center Natatorium has two pools, a warm-water dive pool and a competition swimming pool. The site visit included an evaluation of the existing facilities and their respective mechanical systems, pointing out areas of concern. Also included was […]

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